Jager Leather (JL) | Leather Interior Master
Belgium + 32 48 672 37 91
USA +1 (646) 712-9265

 Slideshow Effect 'Clip & Wave in' Demo - Jssor Slider
 Jager Leather (JL) | Leather Interior Master
 Infolect Group (IG) Business | Technology | Solution

Lab Tests

Jager Leather has a state to art laboratory, where the main leather related technical test can be effected.
Every single batch is being tested prior to shipment, this guarantees the consistency of colour, shine and surface feeling between different deliveries. It also assume that the technical specifications and characteristics are met.
Likewise Jager Leather has perfectly trained and experienced employees selecting all the production batches to assure that the final aspect and quality are complying with the standards.

Test Areas

Some of the technical tests effected by Jager Leather are:
- Fastness to light
- Tear-strength.
- Stitch tear resistance.
- Tensile strength.
- Elongation.
- Rubbing fastness (veslic and crockometer).
- Abrasion resístanse (taber).
- Flex resistance.
- Lastometer test.
- Hidrophobation.
- Resistencia la estallido de flor.
- Hidrofugación.
- Fogging.
- Shrinking behaviour in different conditions of heat and humidity (climatic chamber).
- Flammability (Far 25853).
- Seat belt test.
- Colour measurement by spectrofotometer.
- Gloss measurement by glossmeter.
- Finish adhesion .

 Slideshow Effect 'Clip & Wave in' Demo - Jssor Slider

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